How to Change the Font, Font Style and Font Size in Word (Lesson 2.2)

In this lesson we will look into the basic font formatting options. So, watcht the video to learn how to change the font, font style and font size in Word.

Note: Under the video, you will find a written step-by-step solution.

Video instructions

In this video you will learn how to change the font, the font style and the size of a text in a Word document.


To make these changes we first need to select the text on which we want to apply the changes. Afterwards we can simply inspect other fonts by going to the “Font” section in the “Home” tab and clicking on the dropdown arrow of the top left dropdown field. When we move the mouse over any font, we can see how our highlighted text will look like, if we choose to use that font. If you made your decision for a font, just click it and the highlighted text will be formatted accordingly.

Font Size

To now change the font size, we have 2 options. We can either click on the dropdown arrow of the font size dropdown and choose a size again, or we can simply insert a size number. Another way of changing the size, is to use the “Increase” and “Decrease” buttons to the right of the dropdown field. So, if we want to make the text bigger, then we just click so many times on the “Increase” button until we have our desired size.

Font Style

The last formatting option we are going to look at in this video, is the font style. With font style we mean the bold and the italic formatting of our text. To apply a font style, we simply need to click on the “B” button, or on the “I” button. And of course, we can also use both together.

And now I want to show you another cool thing. When we click on the arrow in the bottom right corner of the “Font” section, a dialog window will open. And in this window, we can change all the formatting for our font and have a live preview. So, we can for example choose another font and another font size and if we don’t like the preview, we can simply change our chosen parameters or reject the changes by clicking on the close button.

So, if you want to choose multiple characteristics for the font, then you should work in this dialog, because there you have a preview for all characteristics at once.

Text instructions

How to Change the Font in Word:

  1. Select the text that you want to change
  2. Under Home > Font, open the drop-down menu which contains the font names
  3. Select a suitable font

Tip: When you move the mouse over a font without clicking on it, you will see a live preview of the font applied to your selected text.

How to Change the Font Size in Word:

  1. Select the text that you want to change
  2. Under Home > Font, open the drop-down menu which contains a number
  3. Select a bigger number from the drop-down menu to make the font bigger and a smaller number to make the font smaller

Tip: To the right of the font size drop-down there are buttons for increasing (Increase Font Size) and decreasing (Decrease Font Size) the font size. With these buttons you can easily implement the next bigger or smaller font size. Use them, to increase your efficiency.

How to Change the Font Style in Word:

  1. Select the text that you want to change
  2. Under Home > Font, click on B to make the text bold and on I to make the text italic

Tip: You can also make a text bold and italic. Simply click on both corresponding buttons.